Saturday, January 25, 2025

Congratulations!! 180+ Candidates Shortlisted for “Online Group Discussion” TEK Systems, Pune | Hiring for “L1 Engineer” as Freshers | Approx. Package: Upto Rs. 3,22,000/- Per Annum


Congratulations!! 180+ Candidates Shortlisted for “Online Group Discussion” TEK Systems, Pune | Hiring for “L1 Engineer” as Freshers | Approx. Package: Upto Rs. 3,22,000/- Per Annum.

Greetings from upGrad Learning Support Centre, Pune!

We, upGrad are happy to announce that the following candidates have been shortlisted for the Online Group Discussion.

Company Name: TEK Systems

Position: L1 Engineer

Experience: Fresher

Job Location: Pune/Bangalore

Approx. Package: Upto Rs. 3, 22,000/- Per Annum (Night Shift Allowances + Performance Bonus)

Next Process: Online Group Discussion 

Date & Time: Monday, 27th January 2025 

IMP NOTE: The Online Group Discussion time &  link will be shared on the candidate’s Email ID by upGrad Learning Support Centre, Pune (Keep checking your inbox right from social, promotion, and spam as well)


Sr. No.Time SlotNameCollege/University of Graduation
110:00 AMSuraj WadkarMarathwada Mitra Mandal's College of Engineering
210:00 AMprajakta moresvpm coe malegaon bk baramati
310:00 AMRoshni BoleSmt.kashibai navale college of engineering pune
410:00 AMGajanan GangakhedkarSKN Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science Pune
510:00 AMRutweek Satish TodkarUniversity of Pune
610:00 AMPrerna Ramesh PawarSinhgad Institute of technology Lonavla Pune
710:00 AMParesh PatilK k wagh engineering college
810:00 AMRohit TormadDr vitthalrao vikhe Patil College of engineering Ahmednagar
910:00 AMApurv KandalkarPVGCOE NASHIK
1010:00 AMOm PatilSinhgad Institute of Technology
1110:00 AMVivek patilAjeenkya Dy Patil School Of Engineering Lohegaon Pune
1210:00 AMRohit RautDY Patil College of Engineering Kolhapur
1310:00 AMIshan GawandeShri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College Of Engineering Shegaon
1410:00 AMYash SalunkheDeogiri college Aurangabad
1510:00 AMSaurabh karandeNutan Maharashtra Institute of Engineering and Technology, Pune
1610:00 AMIjaj hussainG.H Raisoni College of engineering and management
1710:00 AMsarvesh vishwakarmasppu
1810:00 AMSanika TavadeTatyasaheb Kore institute of Engineering and Technology Warnananger
1910:00 AMShraddha MoreSavitribai Phule Pune University
2010:00 AMNikhil DarwatkarSavitribai Phule Pune University
2110:00 AMDeep TayadeSandip Foundation SITRC Nashik
2210:00 AMShashwat singhSb jain
2310:00 AMSrushti GanarMMCOE
2410:00 AMAnita IngawaleSharadabai Pawar Mahila Mahavidyalay Shardanagar Baramati
2510:00 AMPratiksha PatilShivaji University kolhapur
2610:00 AMSoham Dattatray SheteAnnasaheb Dange College Of Engineering and Technology, Ashta
2710:00 AMOmkar ChandekarSanjay Ghodawat University
2810:00 AMReshma KuchekarSmt kashibai Navale College of Engineering Pune Maharashtra
2910:00 AMDarshan GadakhSir Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology
3010:00 AMMohammed FaizanSavitri Bai Phule Pune University
3110:00 AMDhaktode Priyanka SanjaySavitribai phule pune university
3210:00 AMVaishnavi ghodakeShri Shivaji Vidya prasarak sanstha college of engineering dhule
3310:00 AMLokesh DhakeSavitribai Phule Pune university
3410:00 AMAkshay ChavanSVERI's College of engineering Pandharpur
3510:00 AMSiddhesh DabhadeSavitribai phule pune university
3610:00 AMMansing PatilD. Y. Patil College of Engineering and Technology, Kolhapur
3710:00 AMPiyush GadiyaNBNSTIC
3810:00 AMRajita RaundalShri Shivaji Vidya Prasarak Sanstha's Bapusaheb Shivajirao Deore College of Engineering, Dhule
3910:00 AMVinayak Santosh GoteSandip institute of technology and Research centre Nashik
4010:00 AMAyush TamrakarJhulelal institute of technology
4210:00 AMShivkanta JadhavAdarsh Institute of technology and research centre vita
4310:00 AMSanika MandhareSinhgad Institute of Technology and Science
4410:00 AMSarika appasaheb dubaleMarathawada mitra mandal Institute of technology, lohgaon
4510:00 AMRahul kambleModern college of Arts commerce and science
4610:00 AMVikram ShendageShivaji University
4710:00 AMManish AmbuseSinhgad College of Engineering
4810:00 AMRitesh NikaljeDhole Patil College of Engineering
4910:00 AMAditya ThakareSavitribai phule Pune University
5010:00 AMPranay GiradkarKSD's Model College of Science and Commerce, University of Mumbai
5110:00 AMAnkita KolekarSinhgad Institute of Technology Lonavala
5210:00 AMYogesh ShindeTerna college of engineering osmanabad
5310:00 AMVivek Appaso ingaleZeal college of engineering and research pune
5410:00 AMKomal KarbharCSMSS Chh.Shahu College of engineering
5510:00 AMpradnya suryawanshimarathwada mitra mandal college of commerce
5610:00 AMPrashant HatekarSKNSCOE , Korti
5710:00 AMAarti SonawaneModern Education Society's College of Engineering Pune
5810:00 AMVaishnavi ParateIndira College of Engineering and Management, Pune
5910:00 AMAaryaman AndureAissms Institute Of Information Technology Pune
6010:00 AMAnjelina makodeProf Ram meghe college of engineering and management
6110:00 AMDarshana BirariMET BKC IOE
6210:00 AMGokul GunjalPune university
6310:00 AMOwais JunodiVilasrao Deshmukh College of Engineering and Technology
6410:00 AMPawan Dashrath SanapSavitribai phule Pune University
6510:00 AMRohit KauraniGuru Gobind Singh Foundation's Guru Gobind Singh College of Engineering and Research Centre
6610:00 AMShriyash PawarVidya Pratisthan's Baramati
6710:00 AMPallavi moreGenba sopanrao moze college of engineering pune
6810:00 AMSaloni MulaniSavitribai Phule Pune University
6910:00 AMSamiksha Mohan ChavanAjeenkya DY Patil School of Engineering
7010:00 AMNandkishor MundheAnantrao Pawar College of Engineering and Research Pune
7110:00 AMShantanu kannurDbatu
7210:00 AMAishwarya akadeMgm Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College Aurangabad
7410:00 AMGanesh SurleDr.Babasheb Ambedkar Technological Univeristy, Lonere, Raigad
7510:00 AMViraj NikamMescoe Pune
7610:00 AMDivya madkeP. R Pote patil college of engineering amravati
7710:00 AMManasi Ajit MadaneD Y Patil College of Engineering Akurdi Pune
7810:00 AMGaurav KhalaseSandip University, Nashik
7910:00 AMDivya DumbreSavitribai Phule Pune University
8010:00 AMAman ShaikhM.S. Bidve Engineering College Latur
8110:00 AMChetana TawhareJaihind College of Engineering Kuran
8210:00 AMSurita SahuSipna College of Engineering and Technology
8310:00 AMAboli TangadeNew Arts Commerce and Science College Ahmednagar
8410:00 AMSahil GaikwadSanghavi College Of Engineering
8510:00 AMDhiraj Yadavnmiet talegaon
8610:00 AMJaved mulaniSangola college sangola
8710:00 AMLokesh KoliD N College,faizpur.
8810:00 AMKunal PattanshettiISBM College of Engineering
8910:00 AMShrushti ChouguleWalchand Institute of Technology
9010:00 AMVaishnavi GavaliShivaji University
9110:00 AMPraveen MudgalDr. Babasaheb Ambedkar technological University lonere
9210:00 AMVansh VishalBharti Vidyapeeth College of engineering Pune
9311:00 AMRitesh Manesh AhireG H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Management Jalgaon
9411:00 AMVedanti Jaywant BhosalePCCOE
9511:00 AMPratik DhaneSavitribai Phule Pune University
9611:00 AMTanaya ManeBharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering for Women Pune
9711:00 AMSarthak HaseSPPU
9811:00 AMShivam DeshmukhAjeenkya D Y Patil School Of Engineering Pune
9911:00 AMYash SinkarPRMIT&R Badnera
10011:00 AMSanket LaddhaProf.Ram Meghe Institute of Technology and Research,Badnera,Amravati.
10111:00 AMTarapdar SachinSmt kashibai navale college of engineering
10211:00 AMPriyanka ChaureSCTR Pune Institute Of Computer Technology
10311:00 AMSayali JadhavAjeenkya D Y Patil School of Engineering Lohegaon Pune
10411:00 AMYash MangleBapurao Deshmukh college of engineering
10511:00 AMRaj BandrePune University
10611:00 AMshubham bhoitesavitribai phule pune university
10711:00 AMChavan Arpita HanumantSinhgad institute of technology lonawala
10811:00 AMNikita KulkarniNagesh karajagi orchid college of engineering and technology Solapur
10911:00 AMPratiksha Ganpat KolekarSavitribai phule pune university
11011:00 AMFarhan BijapureDBATU
11111:00 AMVinayak KonadeNagesh Karajagi Orchid College of Engineering and Technology, Solapur
11211:00 AMMayuri PawadeInstitute of Technology and Management Nanded
11311:00 AMAniket PapadkarProf Ram Meghe College of Engineering and management
11411:00 AMAadesh BhosaleSKNSITS
11511:00 AMSamruddhi kulkarniSinhgad Institute of technology and science
11611:00 AMHarsh LaddaPadma Bhushan Vasantdada Patil Institute of technology
11711:00 AMManav JainBharati vidyapeeth college of engineering pune
11811:00 AMAjay MuleZeal College of Engineering & Research
11911:00 AMAsmita PawarCummins College Of Engineering, Nagpur
12011:00 AMAayush DharmadhikariSmt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering
12111:00 AMShriraj yadavFergusson college pune
12211:00 AMSoni KumariSavitribai Phule Pune University
12311:00 AMRohan patilWalchand Institute of Technology Solapur
12411:00 AMRohan NandanwarSant Gadge Baba Amravati University
12611:00 AMMayur GavaliISBM College of engineering, Nande
12711:00 AMVishakha MatkarPune Vidhyarthi Grihas College of engineering
12811:00 AMMohammad Kaif SayyedAmrutvahini College of Engineering, Sangamner
12911:00 AMTanmay ChalikwarVishwakarma institute of information technology
13011:00 AMSanket BoradeSPPU
13111:00 AMMadhuri GalandeTatyasaheb kore institute of engineering and technology Warananagar
13211:00 AMBhargavi Avinash MahaleSSVPS COE DHULE
13311:00 AMTejaswini BhujbalSinhgad Academy Of Engineering
13411:00 AMTushar PandaoDeogiri Collage Aurangabad
13511:00 AMMayuri DivateTatysaheb kore institute of Engineering and technology
13711:00 AMShubham NawaleProf Ram Meghe institute of technology and research Amravati
13811:00 AMTrishna SatheSinhgad Institute of technology, Lonavala
13911:00 AMPriyanka TatuSavitribai Phule Pune University
14011:00 AMSwaraj KakadeSinhgad institute of technology lonavala
14111:00 AMHarshal PatilMET Bhujbal Knowledge City
14211:00 AMVaishnvi ChavhanSant Gadge Baba Amravati University
14311:00 AMSaurabh BarapatreSinhgad college of engineering pune
14411:00 AMRushikesh AglaweSipna college of engineering amravti
14511:00 AMSourabh PawarVishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune
14611:00 AMVidhi JamadarNagesh karajgi Orchid College of Engineering and Technology
14711:00 AMWrushabh ParkhiSinhgad institute of technology, Lonavala
14811:00 AMSiddhesh AroteSkn Sinhgad Institute Of Technology And Science
14911:00 AMAvishkar PatilSavitribai Phule Pune University
15011:00 AMIshita NaikMarathwada Mitra Mandals College Of Engineering
15111:00 AMJayashri KhambayatMoolji Jettha College Jalgaon
15211:00 AMDhairyasheel IngaleShivaji University Kolhapur
15311:00 AMVaishnaviPES Modern college of arts commerce and science
15411:00 AMSayali FursuleProf Ram Meghe College of Engineering and Management Amravati
15511:00 AMAniket RajguruShri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering Shegaon
15611:00 AMShravani Ganeshappa BendreSiddhivinayak technical Compus shegaon
15711:00 AMBhavesh PatilSandip Institute of engineering and management
15811:00 AMPrasad TawareS.V.P.M College of engineering
15911:00 AMSrushti BhandarkarN.Y.N.C College,Chalisgaon
16011:00 AMSuchita KulkarniSavitribai phule Pune University
16111:00 AMAdinath MundheD.Y. Patil College of engineering and technology
16211:00 AMPritam KandalkarPune Vidyarthi Griha's College Of Engineering Nashik
16311:00 AMSushant JadhavVishwakarma institute of information technology pune
16411:00 AMMoeiz AttarSangola College Sangola
16511:00 AMBhoopesh khadaZeal College of Engineering and Research
16611:00 AMNilesh WangekarDr. Bamu University Aurangabad Maharashtra
16711:00 AMSanket KadamDr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University
16811:00 AMJaykumar ChavhanRtmnu nagpur university
16911:00 AMNasirhusen MujawarSangola Mahavidyalaya Sangola
17011:00 AMSandhya PachangeDBATU
17111:00 AMsanket solankevidya vikas pratishthan institude of engineering and technology solapur
17211:00 AMSuraksha DhaskeBharati Vidyapeeth college of engineering for women
17311:00 AMNaresh RathodIndira college of commerce and science
17411:00 AMHarshada BorseG H Raisoni Institute of engineering and buisness management, jalgaon
17511:00 AMGitesh PaitwarMet Institute of Engineering Nashik
17611:00 AMSoniya Satish BhoiteIndira Collage Of engineering and mangment pune
17711:00 AMShrinivas ChondeMGM's college of CS and IT Nanded
17811:00 AMShrikrushna waghSwami Ramanand teerth Marathwada university Nanded
17911:00 AMShivani idhateSiddhant college of engineering
18011:00 AMRishikumar MandalNorth Maharashtra University
18111:00 AMShruti KhochageRajarambapu Institute of Technology Sangli
18211:00 AMGourav BhosaleSangola college sangola
18311:00 AMAdinat Baban PawarSolapur University Solapur
18411:00 AMSumit Nandkumar KshirsagarNBN Sinhgad School of Engineering,Pune

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Congratulations!! 130+ Candidates Shortlisted for “Online Assessment.” of Roxiler Systems Pvt. Ltd. | Hiring “Ruby on Rails – Trainee” as Fresher | Approx. Package Post Internship: Upto Rs. 3,00,000/- to Rs. 5,00,000/- Per Annum

Congratulations!! 130+ Candidates Shortlisted for “ Online Assessment. ” of Roxiler Systems Pvt. Ltd. | Hiring “Ruby on Rails – Trainee” as ...